"Safety Tips For The Nursery And Around The House." Child Health Alert 26 (Oct. 2008): 5-5. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
When you have an infant in the house, it is good to childproof the house to keep harm from the child. Many people think about putting baby locks on the cabinets, and doors. One place that is looked over is the child's crib, there are the cute bumpers you want to put in so the baby doesn't get their arm or leg caught in between the rails and your baby's first stuffed animal. These are fine to have in the crib, as long as you take them out when you place the child in the crib. The bumpers and stuffed animals are hazards to a small infant whose breathing may be blocked by these items which could lead to suffocation.
Moon, Rachel Y., Trisha Calabrese, and Laura Aird. "Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Child Care and Changing Provider Practices: Lessons Learned From a Demonstration Project." Pediatrics 122.4 (Oct. 2008): 788-798. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
In this study/intervention, observers went to different child care providers and observed the care takers in how they put the infants to sleep. The care takers were given a questionnaire on safe infant sleeping. The observers checked back in three months after their initial visit to monitor the changes in behavior. Their were definite changes in the way the care takers put the infants to sleep. These interventions are very important and helpful to keep our children safe.
Highet, A. R. "An infectious aetiology of sudden infant death syndrome." Journal of Applied Microbiology 105.3 (Sep. 2008): 625-635. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
There is evidence that shows that bacterial infections may be a cause of SIDS. Studies have shown that many infants who died of SIDS had Escherichia coli (E. Coli), Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning, skin infections), and Listeria monocytogenes (meningitis in infants). More research needs to be completed before we can determine this to be a major cause of SIDS.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pictures for PPT
This is a crib that has 'bumpers' in it. Bumpers should not be in a crib with an infant, if the infant rolls over their face could be right against the bumpers, and they will rebreathe all of their carbon dioxide.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
TARA PARKER-POPE. "Fan in Room Seems to Cut Infants' Risk Of Crib Death." New York Times (07 Oct. 2008): 16. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
When you place a fan in the room with an infant you will decrease the risk of SIDS by 72%. The fan will circulate the air and reduce the risks of re-breathing. Which is believed to be a major factor of SIDS.
Viskari-Lähdeoja, S., et al. "Heart rate and blood pressure control in infants exposed to maternal cigarette smoking." Acta Paediatrica 97.11 (Nov. 2008): 1535-1541. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
Exposure to maternal smoke is a major risk factor for SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. There was a study performed on prenatal, and postnatal infants that supported this theory. The infants who were not exposed to maternal smoke had a consistent heart rate and blood pressure.
Hauck, Fern R., et al. "Infant Sleeping Arrangements and Practices During the First Year of Life." Pediatrics 122 (02 Oct. 2008): S113-S120. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
The sleeping position is very important for infants during their first year of life when they are more susceptible to SIDS. You can follow the ABC's, infants should be alone, on their back, in a crib. If you follow these three steps you can decrease the chance of SIDS.
When you place a fan in the room with an infant you will decrease the risk of SIDS by 72%. The fan will circulate the air and reduce the risks of re-breathing. Which is believed to be a major factor of SIDS.
Viskari-Lähdeoja, S., et al. "Heart rate and blood pressure control in infants exposed to maternal cigarette smoking." Acta Paediatrica 97.11 (Nov. 2008): 1535-1541. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
Exposure to maternal smoke is a major risk factor for SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. There was a study performed on prenatal, and postnatal infants that supported this theory. The infants who were not exposed to maternal smoke had a consistent heart rate and blood pressure.
Hauck, Fern R., et al. "Infant Sleeping Arrangements and Practices During the First Year of Life." Pediatrics 122 (02 Oct. 2008): S113-S120. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.
The sleeping position is very important for infants during their first year of life when they are more susceptible to SIDS. You can follow the ABC's, infants should be alone, on their back, in a crib. If you follow these three steps you can decrease the chance of SIDS.
Freedom of Speech
I agree with Derek Bok, the students were within their rights of the first amendment when they hung the flags and displayed the swastika. Although I do not believe they are right in the way they expressed themselves and offended others, hate speech should not be protected under the first amendment. There should be a way where one can express them self and not offend others of the school or surrounding community. Any type of hate speech shouldn't be tolerated on a college campus or anywhere! There are enough problems with today's society, and allowing people to 'openly hate' other people is wrong. This is a free country and you may say what you want, but you still have restrictions on what you can say.
Friday, October 31, 2008
#4 on page 135
In this picture there is an family of 'illegal immigrants' an 'American' and an 'Indian' standing by one another. The 'American' says "It's time to reclaim America from the illegal immigrants," then the 'Indian' says "I'll help you pack." This is a clear argument, one that you don't think of everyday, or probably haven't thought of since your last history class. The Indians were the first known people to settle in America, therefore making the Americans illegal immigrants as well. For the most part, Americans are arrogant and don't see themselves as settlers of the Indian's land, when in reality that's how it really is.
#3 on page 135
In this picture the children are sitting on the stairs covering their ears while their parents are at the bottom of the stairs arguing. The children are too young to leave the house, the only thing they can do is go into another room and try to drown out the noise. This picture makes a very good visual argument without the use of words. You can clearly tell what is going on in the picture by the children's expressions, and the body language from the adults and the children.
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