Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More articles

"Safety Tips For The Nursery And Around The House." Child Health Alert 26 (Oct. 2008): 5-5. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.

When you have an infant in the house, it is good to childproof the house to keep harm from the child. Many people think about putting baby locks on the cabinets, and doors. One place that is looked over is the child's crib, there are the cute bumpers you want to put in so the baby doesn't get their arm or leg caught in between the rails and your baby's first stuffed animal. These are fine to have in the crib, as long as you take them out when you place the child in the crib. The bumpers and stuffed animals are hazards to a small infant whose breathing may be blocked by these items which could lead to suffocation.

Moon, Rachel Y., Trisha Calabrese, and Laura Aird. "Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Child Care and Changing Provider Practices: Lessons Learned From a Demonstration Project." Pediatrics 122.4 (Oct. 2008): 788-798. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.

In this study/intervention, observers went to different child care providers and observed the care takers in how they put the infants to sleep. The care takers were given a questionnaire on safe infant sleeping. The observers checked back in three months after their initial visit to monitor the changes in behavior. Their were definite changes in the way the care takers put the infants to sleep. These interventions are very important and helpful to keep our children safe.

Highet, A. R. "An infectious aetiology of sudden infant death syndrome." Journal of Applied Microbiology 105.3 (Sep. 2008): 625-635. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.

There is evidence that shows that bacterial infections may be a cause of SIDS. Studies have shown that many infants who died of SIDS had Escherichia coli (E. Coli), Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning, skin infections), and Listeria monocytogenes (meningitis in infants). More research needs to be completed before we can determine this to be a major cause of SIDS.

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